How is the twenty-year operation of KETHI interpreted?


  • More than 70 original researches and review studies (on issues such as: work and entrepreneurship, education, participation of women in decision-making centers, social policy, social exclusion, media, violence against women, etc.).
  • More than 120 publications (brochures for the identity and activities of KETHI, brochures about Action Programmes implemented by the institution, surveys / studies, conference papers,  guides, manuals about employment, entrepreneurship, social inclusion, political participation  etc.).
  • More than 100 action programs, either as a coordinator or as a partner center (e.g. networking to enhance women’s employment / entrepreneurship and inclusion of women in the labor market, development of women’s cooperatives, providing free counseling support services, nationwide awareness / training of teachers and students, empowerment of women for their participation in policy-making structures, trade and economic decisions etc.).

A combination of research and action

KETHI, since 1994 has worked with a dual role. On the one hand, it has contributed to the research production and on the other hand, it has used this knowledge to propose and implement specific policies, practices and actions in order to promote gender equality. Especially:

  • Since 1994, KETHI has introduced the concept of a gender perspective / gender approach to counseling about women’s employment and entrepreneurship. Systematically, KETHI has developed the methodology, approaches and means of annexes and has provided free counseling, through its bodies to women in many parts of the country. During the 2000s, in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Equality, it has contributed to the wider dissemination of the methodology and tools, as scientific coordinator of Local Initiatives for the integration of women in the labor market (this program as a whole was characterized as Good Practice in European Union level).
  • Since 1994, KETHI, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Universities of Greece and Europe, has been working systematically towards the elimination of gender inequalities in education.
    During the 2000s, KETHI had the opportunity to diffuse the accumulated knowledge, through the implementation of a nationwide training program / awareness training and performed intervention actions in secondary schools (7,000 schools across the country).
  • In 1999-2000 KETHI carried out the first nationwide awareness and information campaign on gender violence, entitled “Break the Silence”. In 2003, KETHI held its first nationwide survey on domestic violence against women and in 2004, on sexual harassment against women in the workplace. At this stage (since 2011) KETHI has assisted the General Secretariat for Gender Equality, having undertaken the task of operating, recruitment and scientific supervision of 14 Counseling Centers in the Regions offices for abused women.
  • From 2005 to 2007 KETHI conducted its first survey on perceptions of Greek men-fathers for their gender roles into family and professional life, issuing  manual and developing actions to highlight the main trends formed in men’s relations within family in modern times. But also, it contributed to strengthen policies for reconciliation of work-life balance. At present (2015) KETHI continues these activities, expanding the scope into an investigation to employees and employers of Greek industries through financial framework of EEA.
  • In 2006 KETHI conducted two surveys in Greek general public (citizens) and Greek politicians to investigate the participation of women in political terms and the interaction of variables that contribute to formation of their political participation. This conducted so as to emerge and demonstrate the difficulty of women’s participation in politics, associated with the functioning of democracy and gender equality. Following this action, it has implemented to promote women in decision-making. In 2015, KETHI completed the project about enhancing and supporing the participation of women in positions of political responsibility with important initiatives related to training seminars, the creation of the Network “Helen Skoura” ,the production of educational materials, amenities of consulting services, etc.

KETHI collaborates constantly with the academic community, women’s organizations, institutions of civil society, research centers and other organizations, providing information on scientific fields in which is active.

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