Announcement of Evangelia Panagos death, a staff member of the Ioannina Counseling Center and reception counselor.
We announce with deepest sorrow the death of our colleague Evangelia Panagou, a valuable member of KETHI and the Ioannina Counseling Center.
Evangelia was one of those staff members who from the beginning of the operation of the Ioannina Counseling Center contributed with love, offer and care to its smooth organization and operation. She gave life to new actions and was an excellent colleague for us, who was always willing to help in the important work of the Counseling Center in an unparalleled way.
Evangelia, you will be greatly missed. We will miss your cheerfulness, your dedication to your work and to the women who turned to the services of the Counseling Center. We will miss your integrity, your need to do things for others.
We would like to express our condolences to her family at this difficult time.
Τhe Administration and the Staff members of KETHI.