Approval of the results for call for proposals No. ΣΟΧ 2/2023 Announcement of recruitment of personnel with a private fixed-term employment contract, for a total number of one (1) person (specialty/category: University Education, Lawyers) to cover temporary needs of KETHI and for the needs of the Ioannina Counseling Center.
The interested parties are allowed to object to these lists, within an exclusive period of ten (10) days (calculated calendar days), which starts from the next day of their posting on our website. To be considered, the appeal must be submitted electronically to the ASEP by e-mail (prosl.enstasi@asep.gr) and must be accompanied by proof of payment of a deposit of twenty Euros (€20), issued either via the electronic deposit slip application (e-voucher), see the 'ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT' logo on the ASEP's website (www.asep.gr), or by a Tax Credit Office. Candidates must indicate the code/number of the deposit on the protest form and pay the fee for the electronic deposit by the deadline for submission of protests. If the submitted objection is accepted, the amount paid will be returned to the objector.
NOTE: For reasons of data protection, candidates can search the results in the ranking list and the list of candidates rejected by reference to the number of the registration form they submitted. If you have not received your registration number, please send an email to kethi@kethi.gr and it will be sent to you immediately. If you are unable to send an email, contact phone number: 210 38 98 022.