The Research Centre for Gender Equality  announces the launch of the Asynchronous Training Programme: "Violence and Harassment in the World of Work" which was developed in the framework of the Act "Interventions for the elimination of violence and harassment in institutions and enterprises of the private and public sector" funded by the OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020".

The content of the Programme is based on the Educational Handbook of KETHI "Violence and Harassment in the World of Work", which was written by Nausika Moshovakou and Matina Papagiannopoulou and has as its main objective the provision of information to managers and senior executives as well as employees in the public and private sector on harassment in the world of work.

The course is available for free to all private and public sector stakeholders and/or individuals who wish to be trained on the issue of violence and harassment at work through the dedicated platform .

Interested parties can access the course by registering on the platform  The course is structured in 4 modules which are gradually unlocked after each module is successfully completed (a module is considered successfully completed when a score of 80% is achieved in the self-evaluation test at the end). Participants receive a certificate of completion if they successfully complete all 4 modules. An institution can monitor the progress of its employees' completion after obtaining the necessary access from KETHI. Through this course, which is in line with the obligations set out in Law 4808/2021, according to which public and private entities, regardless of the number of staff, have the obligation to take measures to prevent and address violence and harassment, KETHI seeks to support both private and public sector entities in their efforts to comply with their legal obligations by providing a useful tool to promote equality and combat violence and harassment.

For more information contact Victoria Germotsi, tel: 210 38 98 048, email:


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