The Act aims at the continuation of the operation of the Regional Counselling Centres (CC), and in particular the Syros Counselling Centre (CC), for the prevention and combating of gender-based violence and/or multiple discrimination against women. The CC was developed during the 2007-2013 Programming Period by the OP "Administrative Reform", while its operation was extended during the 2014-2020 Programming Period by the South Aegean ROP.
At present, its operation continues under the 2021-2027 Programming Period under the South Aegean Regional Operational Programme (ROP).
It is a front-line service, covering the need for direct assistance services to women-victims of gender violence and / or multiple discrimination, while implementing prevention, networking and awareness-raising actions of critical importance for the promotion of the issue of gender violence and / or multiple discrimination at the local level. In the framework of the present Act, the continuation of the operation of the Tripoli CC is foreseen, which includes the continuation of support and assistance actions, from a gender perspective, as follows:
- Information and specialized information on gender equality, gender-based violence and/or multiple discrimination issues.
- Social, psychological and occupational counselling (specialised support from a gender perspective).
- Legal counselling and information on women's rights, relevant laws and the procedures required to file a complaint, a complaint, etc.
- Cooperation with other services and referral of women to shelters, police and prosecution authorities, health structures, institutions responsible for welfare or other benefits, employment, child protection and support services, etc.
- Referral to a Legal Aid Programme, which is an action of KETHI under the 'Horizontal Interventions of National Scope' Programme.
- Accompanying women to other services, when necessary.
- Networking and information/awareness-raising actions among the local population and institutions/organizations.
The Counselling Centre is staffed by specialised personnel (Reception Counsellor, Social Worker, Psychologist and Lawyer), who provide FREE counselling support services, covered by confidentiality, to adult women survivors of gender-based violence and/or multiple discrimination (e.g. migrant women, refugees, single parents, disabled, unemployed etc).
KETHI, as a beneficiary of the Act, has undertaken the following for the operation of the Syros Counselling Centre: a) its scientific supervision/coordination, b) the overall responsibility for its proper functioning, c) the support of its staff in the performance of their duties, d) regular communication and the carrying out of on-site visits and/or teleconferences and e) the monitoring of the progress of the implementation of the activities of the Counselling Centre, as well as ensuring compliance with the planned timetables.